10 reasons to join United

  • 1. Ranked among top Engineering and Management colleges in the state.
  • 2. Excellent Placement records that lead Unitians land more than one reputed job.
  • 3. Magnificent infrastructure with a palatial central library
  • 4. Lavishly made sport complex with gym.
  • 5. Various student clubs and activity centers to enhance the skills and talent of the students
  • 6. Dedicated Corporate Relations Centres and job portals to ensure the placement of even a mediocre student.
  • 7. In-house training team to get the students prepared for different campus drives.
  • 8. Personality development programs and technical workshops to ensure overall skill development.
  • 9. Exposure to international universities and industrial visits.
  • 10. 2000+ placements every year in various MNCs including high package offers by Infosys, TCS, Wipro, Accenture, Capgemini, Nucleus Software, Amazon, Intel, Wallmart global tech etc.

Pioneer in Group Placement

  • Collaboration with INFOSYS for hosting Campus Placements & LEARN programme.
  • Accredited Aillance Partnership with EMC – A fortune 500 company.
  • Biggest hub for Pool Campus
  • Placements in U.P.
  • Collaboration with INFOSYS for hosting Campus Placements & LEARN programme.
  • Accredited Aillance Partnership with EMC – A fortune 500 company.
  • Biggest hub for Pool Campus
  • Placements in U.P.

Global Exposure

Over the past three years, the bond between United Group of Institutions and Asian Institute of Technology has become stronger by the day through various academic exchange programmes. More than 200 Unitians (faculty and students) have visited AIT campus in BANGKOK for summer training programmes and workshops.

MOU has been signed between United Group and Missouri University for running coordinated Undergraduate and Postgraduate degree programmes.The first batch to benefit from the MOU would be travelling in July 2014.Faculty members from Missouri University have also travelled to our campus to deliver specialized guest lectures


The college administration provides an encouragement and financial
support system through its Scholarship Program:

MBA Merit Scholarship

S. No. Graduation Marks Scholarship Amount
1 Above 70% 15,000/-
2 Above 65% & upto 70% 10,000/-
S. No. MAT 2024 Percentile Scholarship Amount
1 90% & above 20,000/-
2 80% to 89.99% above 15,000/-
3 70% to 79.99% above 10,000/-
S. No. CMAT 2024 Rank Scholarship Amount
1 From 1 to 5000 20,000/-
1 From 5001 to 10000 15,000/-
1 From 10001 to 15000 10,000/-
S. No. CAT 2024 Percentile Scholarship Amount
1 Above 95 & upto 100 20,000/-
2 Above 90 & upto 95 15,000/-
3 Above 80 & upto 90 10,000/-

BBA/BCA Merit Scholarship

S. No. Class 12th Marks Scholarship Amount
1 90 % and above 20,000/-
2 85% to 89.99% 15,000/-
3 75% to 84.99% 10,000/-

For further details on scholarships, please feel free to call us on 9999707942 or email us at info@united.ac.in

Latest Instructional


The education system and teaching methodology is uniquely designed to articulate various facets of identified Key Area result and corporate expectations.

The teaching is equipped with all latest tools – OHP,LCD, PPT and other Audio Visual equipment's. This system boosts hard work, creativity, knowledge and discipline.

Award and

  • United Ranks no. 1 in intellectual Capital in UP.
  • Shiksha Bharti Puraskar by All India Achievers Foundation for 2012 & 2013
  • AAj TAK Award 2012.
  • Outstanding placement Award by HT
  • Award for excellence in Education by Business Sphere
  • United Ranks no. 1 in intellectual Capital in UP.
  • Shiksha Bharti Puraskar by All India Achievers Foundation for 2012 & 2013
  • AAj TAK Award 2012.
  • Outstanding placement Award by HT
  • Award for excellence in Education by Business Sphere

Student - Teacher Relations

Strong interpersonal communication between the students and the teachers so that teachers know the students personally.

trong bonding and understand between teachers and students. An innovative “Mentorship Program” has been introduced in the college that guides and solves the problem of student.

Industry Tip-ups

Close links with the industry in both Allahabad & Greater Noida campus to avail Industrial training for the students and meet the professionals from the campanies.

  • Collaboration with Infosys for hosting campus placements and LEARN Program.
  • United has academic alliance partnership with EMC 2 – A fortune 500 company

Development Programmes

Out of classroom teaching emphasised with personality development programmes and grooming sessions for students of prefinal and final year.Eminent Speakers like Motivational Guru Shiv Khera, Akash Gautam ,Chetan Bhagat and Spritual Guru honorable Sri Sri Ravishankar regularly visited in UGI campuses.

United supports the development of communication and interpersonal interactive skills for the overall personality development of students, and hence, offers and organizes programs including Group discussions, aptitude tests, technical presentations, PDP and career Launcher's sponsored projects which benefit the students with qualities like commitment, hard work, communication skills and team spirit.


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