Frequently Asked Questions

Find the answers for the most frequently asked questions below

Is branch change a possible option at United ?

Yes, we provide options for the students to change to the branch of their choice in 2nd year provided they earn meritorious grades in their 1st year results.

How do I reach the institute if I don’t stay in the hostel ?

Both the institutes in Greater Noida and Allahabad provide the day scholars and the faculties with buses to help them commute from their homes to the campus. These buses ply throughout the city to deliver the students right to their doorsteps.

What are the measures taken against ragging in the institute ?

We adhere to strict Anti-Ragging Policy. Any student caught misbehaving with his/her peers will face serious consequences.

What is the scope of summer training during my stay at the college ?

Training is arranged for the summer and winter break period for all the students by the Training and Placement department.

Where do I find out about my academic calendar ?

The Institute runs as per the rules and regulations of the Uttar Pradesh Technical University (UPTU). All the information regarding the session dates and other useful information can be obtained from

Who can I contact if I face a personal crisis during my stay ?

There is a grievance cell where the students can send mail stating their problems and remedial actions are taken immediately.

What can I learn at United apart from what the curriculum contains ?

We promote the all-round development of the student. Hence Personal Development programmes are held regularly where students are actively encouraged to take part. On the academic front, industry relevant programmes are conducted. A few of the recently held workshops are:
.NET Programming Software Testing VLSI and Embedded Systems Design PLC and SCADA

We keep a track of the latest technological advancements beyond the syllabus prescribed and incorporate them in the curriculum in form of these workshops and seminars.


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