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Corporate Relations centre (CRC)

At United Group, the Corporate Relations Center (CRC) functions more than just placing students. While our students are annually recruited by Infosys, TCS, Wipro, L&T and other industry giants, we go a step further. We ensure that every student is 360 degrees employable rather than just providing employments.

Training takes up a large part of the CRC portfolio. Students are assessed in their second year with numerous aptitude and subjects tests. Their strengths and weaknesses are evaluated and are given highly individualized training. In the third year, we offer programmes not only to crack company interviews but also GATE, SAT and GRE.

At United, our endeavors for placing students do not end when the student passes out of our institutions. We have a strong alumni network, where we keep up to date with the current opportunities in their spheres of specialization.

Our constant strive is to ensure that each deserving student gets a foothold in the industry or a college for higher studies after completing their bachelors programme. The CRC team is always available to help out the student

Placement Team

  • "Be sure you put your feet in the right place, then stand firm" Abraham Lincoln
  • "If I had eight hours to chop down a tree, I'd spend six hours sharpening my axe" Abraham Lincoln.
  • "I will prepare and some day my chance will come" Abraham Lincoln

Corporate Relations Center of UGI believes on preparation for all placement activities through various endeavors to facilitate scholars:

  • Sessions on Aptitude and Personality are taken to groom the students from 2nd year.
  • Placement Preparation customized for major recruiters. Based on past test papers.
  • Session wise Mock test before any drive.
  • Dedicated tutorials by professors for technical written tests and interviews.
  • In built student’s library in the Corporate Relations Center contains the books and worksheets on Quantitative analysis, Reading Comprehensions and Verbal Reasoning.
  • Compiled question bank for all students based on the past papers from the recruiters.
  • Actual Interview simulation before all the events.
  • Counseling on CV preparation, General grooming before facing the recruiters.
  • Group discussion with both general and technical topics.
  • Special monitoring for the summer training programs.
  • Industrial tours in order to understand the real requirements of the industry.
  • Collaborations with INFOSYS for hosting Campus Placements and LEARN programme.

Industrial Visits

Industrial visits are regularly organized. Students are encouraged to visit trade fairs like ’Elecrama’, ’The Auto Expo’ etc to keep in touch with the actual practice carried out in the organization and what new products the companies are manufacturing and launching. The students are required to handout a written submission about their visits.

  • 200 students travelling to Asian Institute of Technology,Bangtok for 15 day short term course
  • 240 B.tech and MCA students went to INFOSYS, Chandigarh under SPARK initiative.
  • Pharmacy students visited plants and got hands on training at manufacturing units of IPCA laboratories.
  • Mechanical Engg.students went for a 3 day comprehensive tour to HINDASLCO, Renukut.
  • PGDM and MBA students visited plants of various companies like Mother Diary, Moser Baer, Jacksons Ltd, Parle G, IFFCO, and HONDA.
  • Academic Alliance Partnership with EMC2-A fortune 500 company.
  • Collaboration with MAHINDRA RISE for organizing AUTO QUOTIENT QUIZ.
  • Collaboration with TCS for conducting their activity of CODE VITA Biggest Coding Contest.
  • Consultancy Development Centre
  • Computer Science Society of India
  • Confederation of Indian Industries
  • All India Management Association
  • Eastern U.P Chamber of Commerce
  • Association of Indian Management Scholars
  • Allahabad Management Association


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