About us

The Department Of Electronics & Communication Engineering

The Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering was established in 1998 to meet the growing requirement of quality education, training, and research in various areas of Electronics and Communication Engineering. The department aims to nurture students into skilled, knowledgeable, and have the life skills needed to lead organizations to success. In the past few years, technological advances have opened the doors for Electronics & Communication Engineers in advanced area such as VLSI technology, Communication, robotics, signal processing, and the Internet of Things (IoT). Further, an Electronics & Communication Engineering degree also offers an excellent opportunity for advanced knowledge in artificial intelligence, machine learning, and other analytical disciplines. Electronics & Communication Engineering students also get an excellent opportunity to learn, design, and develop smart cities, smart agriculture, smart health systems, and many other emerging applications. With cutting-edge learning opportunities and faculty of the highest professional standards, we carefully ensure active industry-academia collaborations that provide exposure to the students with specialized knowledge and practical skills.

The Department of ECE has state-of-the-art laboratories, infrastructure, faculty with the highest professional standards, a carefully crafted curriculum, active industry-academia collaborations, and global exposure. We provide students with specialized knowledge and practical skills, enabling them to make groundbreaking discoveries.


Establish a unique learning environment to enable the students to face the challenges of the Electronics and Communication Engineering field. Promote the establishment of centers of excellence in niche technology areas to nurture the spirit of innovation and creativity among faculty and students


  • M1 : Establish a unique learning environment to enable the students to face the challenges of the Electronics and Communication Engineering field.
  • M2 : Enable students to develop skills to solve complex technological problems of current times and also provide a framework for promoting collaborative and multidisciplinary activities.
  • M3 : An innovation ecosystem to extend knowledge and solve critical problems.
  • M4 : Active collaboration with national & international industries & universities in the field of electronics for productivity and economic development.

Program Educational
Objectives Statements (PEOs)


Program Outcomes


Program Specific
Outcomes (PSOs)


CO-PO Attainment

Head of Department

  • From the desk of the HOD

Welcome to the Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering. The department offers 4-year B.Tech program in Electronics & Communication Engineering. The department has a team of highly experienced and motivated faculty members. We encourage our students to prepare for competitions like GATE, CAT, and other PSU examinations. Students of the ECE department are highly motivated and ready for the Electronics Industry with hands-on experience on recent technologies of the modern era. Besides this, students are facilitated with the Campus Recruitment Training (CRT) program, Personality Development Program (PDP Classes), and Communication Classes for better placements of ECE students. Competitive exams, quizzes, and other co-curricular activities are also part of the schedule. Students of ECE are encouraged to work on innovative projects of industrial relevance and publish their work in peer-reviewed journals. Further, Students of ECE achieve University top positions and work with Top-level core companies like LG Electronics, Vivo Mobile, Nokia Ericson, ST Electronics, etc.

Best Wishes



  • Dr. H. P. Shukla : Principal UCER
  • Dr. Nandita Pradhan: Head EC Dept.
  • Mr. Ajay Sharma:

    Technical chapted published in prestigious "Taylor & Francis" published book "Bioelectronics and Medical devices, Application & Technology "

  • Dr. Venktesh Mishra
  • Mr. Chitranjan Dwivedi
  • Mr. Ravindra singh
  • Mr. Santosh Dubey

    One week FDP in Six Sigma from IIT Kanpur in month of february 2021.

    One week FDP in Python from IIT Kanpur in month of March 2021.

    One week FDP in Cyber Security from IIT Kanpur in month of march 2021.

    One week FDP in Web Development from IIT Kanpur in month of July 2021.

    Attended a webinar on 5G in month of july conducted by SIET, Prayagraj.

    Completed NPTEL CERTIFICATION and FDP course in Industrial IoT in JANUARY.


  • Mr. Satya Prakash Singh

    Paper title UWB Antenna for ITS Application are now available in Springer book chapter in Lect. Notes Electrical Eng., Vol. 777, Amit Dhawan et al: RECENT TRENDS IN ELECTRONICS AND COMMUNICATION, 978-981-16-2760-6, 501569_1_En (102)

  • Mr. Vijit Srivastava:

    Paper Published in IJRTE volume - 9 Issue - 6 March 2021 (Scopus Indexed)

    Paper Published in IJRAR Volume 8 Issue 2 June 2021

    Organising Toycathon 2021 (event organiser/ SOP) supported by seven ministries of India.

    Proposal Submitted to AKTU for making the UCER as an Incubation center in march 2021(Proposal accepted by AKTU)

    Proposal submitted to EDII Ahmedabad for joint collaboration of conducting entrepreneurship culture in UCER.

    Coordinator of IIRS - ISRO sponsored online certificate courses in UCER (UCER is one of the registered center for online courses of IIRS-ISRO)

    Coordinator of NISP ( already sent the details of progress work of UCER for the last three months to AICTE.)

  • Mr. Tusar
  • Mr. Ravi Srivastava
  • Mr. Nitendra Tiwari:

    Co author in book (Title: Industrial Control Systems: Theory and Applications) , which will be published by Scrivener Publishing LLC, 100 Cummings Center, Suite 541J, Beverly, Massachusetts 01915-6106, imprint of WILEY and it will also be submitted for indexing in Web of Science/SCOPUS

  • Mr. Mohit Saxena

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