About us

The Department Of Computer Science And Engineering

The Department of Computer Science & Engineering and Information Technology is a lively and invigorating academic center for higher education, research, and innovation in key areas of computing. The vision of the department is to be a center of excellence that provides high quality education to develop future leaders in all aspects of computing including education and entrepreneurship, contributes practically relevant and cutting edge research, and catalyzes IT entrepreneurship.

The department attracts talented students and faculty from all over India. The main Endeavour of the department is to develop students’ technical competence as well as creative and critical thinking ability. The department provides the students with a platform to develop insight to face real life challenges and to come out with innovative technical solutions. They are frequently evaluated with multiple assignments, hands on exercises, mini projects, surprise tests and presentations as they progress through the different programs in the department. The department uses a diversified set of pedagogical approaches that includes interactive lectures and practical hands-on excercise etc.

The team has dedicated and well qualified faculty members to facilitate high standard of teaching & learning process. These faculty members are also involved in research work attaining research publications in repute international conferences and journals.


To be an institute known for its Values, Academic Excellence & Research and nurturing professionals for their “Career” and “Life”.


  • To establish and provide state-of-the-art environment for real and lifelong learning.
  • To provide education focused for deep knowledge, interpersonal skills and leadership.
  • To provide education focused for deep knowledge, interpersonal skills and leadership.
  • To establish and strengthen collaboration between academia and industry.
  • To develop competent professionals with ethical and social responsibility.

Program Educational
Objectives Statements (PEOs)


Program Outcomes


Program Specific
Outcomes (PSOs)


CO-PO Attainment

Head of Department

  • Dr. Vijay Kumar Dwivedi
  • Designation : Associate Professor
  • Qualification : M. Tech and Ph.D
  • Working Experience : 22 Year
  • Areas of Specialization : Machine Learning, Data Mining, Big Data Analytics, Distributed Systems

Welcome to the department of Computer Science and Engineering at United College of Engineering and Research. The department works with the objective of addressing critical challenges faced by the Industry, society and the academia. Perhaps even more important is our unceasing commitment to our students, helping them to learn, grow, develop, and achieve their goals in their pursuit to excel in their professional career.

Today, we have our students serving all big giants of the software industry TCS, INFOSYS, Cognizant, Accenture, Wipro, IBM and list is very long, which is a priceless asset for our department.

The Department of Computer Science & Engineering is committed to developing a strong academic foundation for our students. The department’s graduate programs continue to draw from a very strong application pool. The department was established in the year 1998 and since its inception the department has evolved to pioneering the state of Computer science and engineering education in Uttar Pradesh.

The department faculty work with excellent team spirit in different technical teams which lead to key research publications in these areas. The department strives to provide a conducive environment for the students to develop analytical and practical skills and apply them to real world problems.. To motivate the students the department organizes regular training in state of art software & hardware, arranges workshop, technical events, seminars & industrial visits. The faculty and staff members of our department sincerely believe that teaching is a noble profession even today and this profession is very important in molding the young minds to become the responsible citizens of the future. Hence, we always put our consistent efforts to provide a learning environment in which students of our department can enjoy the greatest possible opportunity for academic excellence, intellectual development, and personal growth.





  • IT Cell a stepping stone in the field of technology & innovation is being created and nourished by the faculty and students of Department of Computer Science which has undertaken and developed many real world projects since last 3 years.
  • The faculty of Computer Science Department Mr. Chetan Vyas has successfully completed his Phd. In the field of "A Study on risk management in NSE of India”.
  • Mr. Dhananjay Kuamar Sharma faculty of CSE has been delivering expert lecture since last four years in a summer training programme on “Enhancing Skill for enterprise scale application development” organized by department of Computer Science and Engineering at MNNIT, Prayagraj.
  • Five faculties of Computer Science Department Mr. Dhananjay Kumar Sharma, Mr. Vijay Kumar Dwivedi, Mr. Prafull Pandy, Mr. Aashish Dwivedi and Mr. Anuj kakran have got certificate of participation in the 6 days Faculty Enablement Program on “InfyTQ based Foundation Program” by Infosys Limited from 6th May 2019 to 13th May 2019..

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